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Dory Explains What the New National Strategy Means to the US

1 min read

chess-strategies.s600x600After the new National Security Strategy was recently presented to Congress, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Defense Amanda J. Dory discussed what the strategy entails and where it plans to concentrate.

“The National Security Strategy is clear: There isn’t any higher priority than the safety and security of the American people, and obviously the department of defense plays a big role in that,” she said.

The strategy, which is released every few years, includes many of the themes found in department reviews and is an overall compilation of lessons learned in different government departments that will shape the National Defense Strategy and National Military Strategy.

Dory also explained the National Security Strategy also focused on cyber and space domains.

“It really kind of begins to open up beyond our traditional way of thinking about the different domains in which the United States can be vulnerable,” Dory said and added, “The land, the air, the maritime — this national security [strategy] adds into our thinking, the cyber domain, the space domain, as well, and emphasizes the possibility for threats to manifest in those domains.”

The strategy highlights both immediate and possible future threats to the United States and will set a plan of action for defense on the national home front, as well as international relations. The collaboration between departments will help map out the government’s route to ensure national safety.

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