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Vice Adm. Mike Connor: Submarine-Launched Unmanned Systems Part of EW Effort

1 min read

Mike Connor
Mike Connor

Vice Adm. Mike Connor has hinted the Navy could use submarines to launch unmanned systems as part of the military’s larger electromagnetic warfare strategy, Breaking Defense reported Tuesday.

Connor, commander of Atlantic submarine forces, told the Naval Submarine League the he believes the systems that control the electromagnetic spectrum should be in places where it is required, Sydney Freedberg reports.

He said the submarine force can take the sensors and offensive systems into the place where they are relevant, according to the report.

“We can knock down some of that A2/AD defense. We can tell someone we’ve done that…start telling them where things are, and then we can start working with them to coordinate the next wave,” Connor added.

He also described his view of potential dangers associated with the delivery of reports to command centers and other units when sound and electromagnetic waves are also emitted, Freedberg reports.

Connor said the Navy needs electromagnetic warfare systems to transmit payloads and distribute data across the other fleets, Breaking Defense reports.


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