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Report: R&D Investments, Nonmilitary Applications to Drive Multirotor Drones Market

1 min read

droneA new MarketsandMarkets report released by ASDReports has analyzed the market drivers and challenges in the multirotor drones market over the five-year forecast period from 2015 to 2020.

ASDReports said the June report identified the emergence of law enforcement and nonmilitary applications for drones as the main factor that drives market growth.

According to the report, the industry is also seeing increased investments in research and development on small unmanned aerial vehicles even as defense budget cuts and stricter airspace regulations restrain the market.

MarketsandMarkets also provides insight on market share, segments, revenue and spending trends in countries such as China, Germany, India, Israel, Japan, Russia, the U.K. and the U.S., ASDReports said.

The report identified the commercial and civil sectors as dominant application areas and the U.S., China, India, and Israel as major spenders.

It also named the following as key vendors:

  • 3D Robotics
  • AeroVironment
  • Aeryon Labs
  • DJI Innovations
  • Microdrones

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