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Korea Herald: North Korean Cyberattack Could ‘Paralyze’ US Pacom’s Control Center

1 min read

A study by South Korea’s defense technology agency says North Korean hackers have the capacity to disable the U.S. Pacific Command‘s control center, the Korea Herald reported Tuesday.

Yoon Min-sik writes the Defense Department ran a simulation that showed a full-blown cyberattack from North Korea could “paralyze” Pacom’s computer network and cause damage on the U.S. power grid.

The report noted a 2013 cyberattack linked to North Korean actors cost about $756 million in damages; infected approximately 48,000 computers with malicious codes; and affected three South Korean banks, affiliates and three television broadcasters.

South Korea’s defense ministry estimates that North Korea has nearly 6,800 cyber terrorism specialists while experts believe the actual figure could range from 10,000-30,000, the Korea Herald stated.

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