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Obama Seeks CTO: Chief Tweet Officer

1 min read

pic_12262965774256Social media has become a key ingredient in communication for our nation’s politics.

Sound like something you’re up for?  Because Mia Cambronero is stepping down from her job of maintaining Obama’s social network sites including Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace.

The Democratic National Committee recently posted the job opening of Social Networks Manager as they seek someone new to fill Cambronero’s shoes. They want to fill this position immediately, as they know social media is imperative to get the word out and maintain communication with the country.

According to Politico, Bill Burton the deputy press secretary said, “Twitter has helped us to quickly get information out, keep up with what is on the minds of our press corps, circulate stories we think they will find of interest and knock down stories that may be counterfactual.”

Interested applicants need to submit their resumes and biographical information. They must possess a background in social media and be driven to be in constant communication with Obama’s 3.3 twitter followers.

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