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Army to Release Ground Vehicle Report in December

1 min read

frank kendallThe U.S. Army has a Dec. 15 deadline to report the findings of its ground vehicle industrial base study to Congress, Defense News reported Sunday.

Paul McLeary writes AT Kearney was contracted by the Army to help with the study, which aims to see which government contractors are at risk due to continuing budget cuts.

The study is called “M1 Abrams Tank Upgrade and Bradley Fighting Vehicle Industrial Base Study Preliminary Findings,” and the consensus around the industry is that demand for ground vehicles is set to take a substantial dip.

Frank Kendall, undersecretary for acquisition, technology and logistics, said the Pentagon will have to cut its budget by $20 billion next year if there is no deal made to stop the sequester.

Mark Signorelli, vice president and general manager of vehicle systems at BAE Systems, said the effects of sequestration on small businesses are often overlooked regarding the health of the ground vehicle industrial base.

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