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Report: FCC Mulls Spectrum Auction Timing

1 min read

FCCSealThe Federal Communications Commission leadership is debating when to auction the “H block” wireless spectrum and other portions known as AWS 3, The Hill newspaper reported Monday.

Brendan Sasso writes FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel wants a simultaneous auction for both, which means the agency’s Wireless Communications Bureau may have to hold off its planned February auction for the H block.

Rosenworcel said splitting the public sale would leave H block unclaimed by most carriers who want a share of the AWS 3 spectrum and leave the government with less money to fund the nationwide first responder public safety network, according to the report.

Acting FCC Chairwoman Mignon Clyburn and Republican Commissioner Ajit Pai support the February H block auction, Sasso reports.

Congress has asked FCC to auction both the unused H block and AWS 3, currently used by the military and other federal agencies, amid increasing demand for wireless data.

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