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Anil Cheriyan: GSA’s Technology Transformation Service Should Leverage FAS, Industry Partners

1 min read

Anil Cheriyan, director of the General Services Administration’s Technology Transformation Service, told Nextgov in an interview published Tuesday that TTS is actively looking into how it builds momentum, establishes sustainability and drives for excellence.Cheriyan said the TTS organization should leverage GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service, which he believes plays a role in performing acquisitions especially in the technology space. 

“FAS is a major channel for TTS to be effective and drive change. But so is having industry partners on the services side and on the software side,” he added.

Cheriyan also cited the role of his office in conducting assisted acquisition amid rapid technological changes and the transition towards software-defined architecture. He said GSA is looking into robotic process automation and identity security as it considers adding additional centers to the Centers of Excellence program. 

Cheriyan shared his insights on the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program, Technology Business Management framework and the Presidential Innovation Fellows program.