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Veritone aiWARE Supports NVIDIA CUDA Platform for GPU AI/ML

2 mins read

Veritone aiWARE announced that it now supports the NVIDIA CUDA platform, which will enable organizations to run intensive artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) tasks on NVIDIA GPUs, Veritone reported on Monday. 

“The marriage of aiWARE and NVIDIA CUDA helps organizations realize artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions that can process vast amounts of data at unparalleled speeds,” said Veritone founder and CEO Chad Steelberg. “We built aiWARE to uncover insights from video, audio and text data, at scale, in near real-time. Supporting the CUDA platform advances that mission.”

Veritone’s support of NVIDIA CUDA will advance performance levels for organizations using aiWARE, Veritone’s proprietary operating system for AI. It will also reduce time to process video, audio and text. The company will also leverage the parallel-processing computational power of the newest generation of NVIDIA GPUs.

The NVIDIA CUDA parallel computing platform and programming model will increase computing performance by utilizing NVIDIA GPUs, which can process more concurrent tasks than a central processing unit (CPU).

By taking advantage of the latest CUDA-compatible version of aiWARE running in the Azure and AWS clouds, organizations can leverage GPU auto-scaling to handle more demanding workloads than ever before, seamlessly scaling GPUs in the cloud.

“NVIDIA AI technology enables dramatic increases in computing performance and provides the needed foundation for creating GPU-accelerated applications for a variety of business challenges,” said Keith Strier, vice president of Worldwide AI Initiatives at NVIDIA. “NVIDIA CUDA offers Veritone aiWARE the power and ease of use required for today’s complex GPU-based AI and machine learning workloads across a broad range of industries.”