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DOD Seeks to Support Additional Information Systems With Expanded Common Enterprise Data Repository

1 min read

The Department of Defense (DoD) has issued a notice announcing its move to update the current system of records called the Defense Repository for Common Enterprise Data to support and cover more information systems being created within DoD.

“The expanded system of records will support multiple information systems that provide DoD-wide and component-level enterprise solutions for integrating and analyzing targeted data from existing DoD systems to develop timely, actionable, and insightful conclusions in support of national strategies,” the notice reads.

The Pentagon is also modifying the authority for maintenance of the system, system location, purpose of the system, record source strategies, notification procedures, individuals covered by the system and system managers.

The Office of the Undersecretary of Defense Comptroller was the sole information system manager. With the update, system managers now include chief data officers from DoD and departments of the U.S. Air Force, Navy and the Army.

The Pentagon is scheduled to publish Wednesday in the Federal Register a notice of proposed rulemaking to exempt the updated system of records from some provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974.