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AI National Security Commission Presents 80 Recommendations in Interim Report

2 mins read

The National Security Commission for Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI) has released an interim report detailing 80 draft recommendations for the federal government to advance AI.

NSCAI grouped the recommendations based on six lines of effort: strengthen the triangular alliance for AI research and development; apply AI for national security missions; train and recruit AI talent; protect and build upon U.S. technology advantages; marshal global AI cooperation; and defend and compete against malign information operations enabled by AI.

For the first line of effort, the commission suggested the creation of AI testbeds to serve the industry and academic research communities, formation of an AI innovator award program to invest in top talent and optimization of the Department of Defense’s (DoD) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program to develop and field AI platforms to meet the needs of warfighters.

NSCAI also presented several recommendations to apply AI in support of national security missions. The commission called on the intelligence community to come up with a federated and coordinated approach to applying AI-based applications to open source intelligence. 

The undersecretary of defense for research and engineering should also have a fund to prototype and mature AI-based technologies. NSCAI expects to release its final recommendations in March 2021.

On October 22nd, ArchIntel Events will host the ArchIntel – AI in Competitive Intelligence Forum as its first virtual event featuring August Jackson, senior director of Marketing and Competitive Intelligence for Deltek, as the keynote speaker.

Register here to attend ArchIntel’s first virtual event: AI in Competitive Intelligence Forum.